Saturday 26 January 2013

Easy Listening

Just a couple of bands I've been diggin' recently. Honestly, I'll go through phases where I can listen to a band non-stop for months on end and then not listen to them for like a year. With the Kooks this is very much the case. I've just got back into them and so glad I did; I've branched out and started listening to some of their other songs and have just been obsessed! I mean if you've never listened to them try listening to Princess of my Mind, Ooh La, or Naïve (mind you these are only a few good songs) you wont be disappointed if you like acoustic/indie/easy listening type of music, and if you don't like it, I'm sorry.
Also I've just got into Young The Giant and I can't believe it took me this long to discover them! They're another band that is more acoustic based/easy listening type of music that just makes you feel so warm and happy inside (lol - or at least me). Although I've been listening to the same two songs (Cough Syrup, and My Body) for the past month their other songs are just as rad. Check 'em out!