Sunday 28 September 2014

Falling in Love with Fall

Hey guys! Thought I'd do a quick post today all about Fall. Since we are now officially in the Fall season I want to share some of my favourite fall trends/things I love about Fall.

To start out, the weather we have had where I live this past weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to spend as much time as I could outside enjoying the beautiful weather, so my boyfriend and I decided to go on a nature walk to enjoy some fall sight-seeing. 

I absolutely love when the leaves begin to change their colours, and when they begin to fall off the trees. It's such a beautiful sight walking down a pathway and the leaves are falling above your head. I love how the air is just a little bit chilly, but still warm enough to be outside in a sweater. I'm a big fan of bundling up in big, thick, warm sweaters and taking a coffee to go and sit somewhere and just enjoy the view that we are so privileged to have. 

Fall has to be one of my favourite seasons because it's the end of summer; which is sometimes too hot, and the in-between before winter; which is always too cold. It's just perfect.

I also really love wearing darker/vampy lips in the fall time; I just feel that this colder weather is the perfect excuse to wear them. I'm planning on doing a post of my favourite fall lipsticks soon, which will be posted on my Beauty page - so stay posted!

I also really love doing my nails (any time of year) but wearing darker colours in the fall. I'm definitely not a professional at doing nails, and have super shakey hands which makes it very difficult for me; but none the less I still love doing them.

As I said this is a very quick post, my next post will most likely be on my Beauty page. Leave a comment below telling me your favourite things about fall, and like/share this post if you liked it!
Thanks for reading!

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