Monday 22 September 2014

Organizational Tips! ✔✏

Hey guys! This post is going to be dedicated to my personal organizational tips for school. With the new school year upon us it is easy to get overwhelmed with assignments, homework and tests. What's even more overwhelming is not knowing when your papers due, what homework you had to do last night... and what was that test on again...? 

This leads me to my first tip; and that is, getting into the habit of using an agenda and writing important dates down! I recommend getting one where you can see the entire month, then the individual days/week. This way, you can use the monthly planner to write down your future important dates/goals (i.e; due dates for tests and assignments) and you can judge how much time you have to plan, prepare/study, sit down to write your paper or to study for your test before the due date. This is an easy fix to help you manage your time. Then, on the individual days per week you can write down your homework for each class and check it off as you complete it ✔. This way you can judge your productivity and adjust yourself accordingly. 

Another tip is to colour coordinate your notes. What I like to do in my binder is highlight the class course code (i.e; BIO 3021) in the same colour throughout my notes and in my agenda. So Biology may be blue, Chemistry red, English green, ect... This helps to organize your notes per class and when you look in your agenda you can tell what homework you have due for each class. This will minimize forgetting to do your homework, or doing the wrong homework for the wrong class.

My next tip is to keep a clean binder. I recommend even if you decide to type your notes for your classes; as I do most of the time - to print them out and put them into a binder. This way, in the case that something should happen to your computer, you have all of your notes in a binder to study from (although you should always back up all of your notes onto a USB as well). When you have a clean binder you will be less stressed to study, which means you will be more productive and have a better chance to get that A! 

Another tip is to use some sort of a filing system to organize all of your important personal documents. I'm in my second year of university and let me tell you - this is a life saver when it comes to being organized! Upon entering a new year of school there are always a lot of personal documentation that needs to be completed, and handed in order to enter the next year. This may not apply to all programs. What I like to do is write the headers on the top of each section of my filing dividers - this makes it easy for me to see where everything is when it comes to handing things in at the end of the year; and prevents a lot of stress and anxiety of losing documents!

My next tip is to de-clutter your working space. I have a very basic desk and I only like to keep the bare minimum on it. When there is too much piled up on your desk it can get overwhelming. If you have this problem I would suggest finding a home for those unnecessary items that seem to stick around and take up space. Generally I only have my computer, writing utensils, my agenda, some spare note taking paper and sticky notes. This way everything looks neat and organized and only the important things that I need on a daily basis are available. 

These are just a few personal tips that help me stay organized during school and can hopefully help anyone who is in school/going to be starting school soon. I wish you success in your schooling and if you have any tips for me, or any you would like to share feel free to write them in the comments! Good luck guys! 

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