Friday 28 November 2014


Hey guys! I know I've been M.I.A for the past month, but I've been really busy with school :/. It seems like every time I turn around there's an assignment or an exam to do, and since I don't have Thurdays or Fridays off any more I need my weekends for homework; so blog posts inevitably get put on the back burner. But, since I have some spare time today I figured I'd give a quick update as to what has been going on in my life right now, ect...

So,  I've been really getting into the Christmas spirit - I know some of you may be cringing since it's mid-November; but I can't help it! They've been playing so many Christmas movies on tv and all the stores have their Christmas decorations out, so you really can't help but get into it. Today we're putting up the tree and my room is already decked out in Christmas decorations/lights. I know it's kind of tacky to leave your decorations up year round but honestly, I would love to. It's so festive and relaxing to me I love it. I am one of those annoying people who blare Christmas music months before Christmas - it gets me into the spirit.

Anyways, once I hit my holidays I plan on making some more blog posts. ALSO, I just made a new Beauty post - it's a pictorial of a simple holiday eye look! I would love if you guys would check it out! Thanks for reading!

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