Wednesday 18 February 2015

Thinking Out Loud

Hey guys! Just a quick update; I uploaded a new post onto my beauty page about the Makeup Geek pigments and would love for you to check it out! I'm also working on some new posts today that I'm really excited about. Also, I have been obsessed with this song by Ed Sheeran! It's literally been stuck in my head for the past couple of weeks. I'm generally not a big Ed fan, but some of his music is quite catchy. Be sure to like/share this post if you love Ed Sheeran! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 17 February 2015

2015 Update

Hey guys! Happy 2015!! I know I haven't been making much blog posts lately but I have been really busy with school. I know that's my usual excuse.. but it's true. I'm a full time student in my second year of University in a very demanding program. But, this is my passion, and my hobby so I plan on making more posts as frequently as I can. 

Anyways... I have been thinking for a while of doing a Nursing School 101 section with my tips, and advice for other students planning on entering nursing school, or for students who are already going through nursing school. I think it would be a great place to share advice and experiences with other students. If anyone is interested in that just leave a comment, or like this post! 

Also, I just made a new post on my beauty page on the Wet n Wild Poster Child 8 pan palette, so if you're interested in that check out my review/swatches! I am also planning on doing more reviews in the next coming days on the Makeup Geek fall collection pigments, the Too Faced melted lipsticks, ect... 

If you are interested in seeing any of those reviews check out my beauty page! Thanks so much for reading!

Friday 28 November 2014


Hey guys! I know I've been M.I.A for the past month, but I've been really busy with school :/. It seems like every time I turn around there's an assignment or an exam to do, and since I don't have Thurdays or Fridays off any more I need my weekends for homework; so blog posts inevitably get put on the back burner. But, since I have some spare time today I figured I'd give a quick update as to what has been going on in my life right now, ect...

So,  I've been really getting into the Christmas spirit - I know some of you may be cringing since it's mid-November; but I can't help it! They've been playing so many Christmas movies on tv and all the stores have their Christmas decorations out, so you really can't help but get into it. Today we're putting up the tree and my room is already decked out in Christmas decorations/lights. I know it's kind of tacky to leave your decorations up year round but honestly, I would love to. It's so festive and relaxing to me I love it. I am one of those annoying people who blare Christmas music months before Christmas - it gets me into the spirit.

Anyways, once I hit my holidays I plan on making some more blog posts. ALSO, I just made a new Beauty post - it's a pictorial of a simple holiday eye look! I would love if you guys would check it out! Thanks for reading!

Saturday 11 October 2014

Hair Talk

Hey Guys! Long time no blog... I'm officially on my ''reading week'' and have 3 exams to study for, and as usual I'm getting tempted by the internet and procrastinating; so I figured I'd make a new post. I know I said my next post would be on my Beauty page but... I got some new products and want to have time to try them out before I write a post about them. 

On that note, I wanted to make an update about some upcoming plans I have with regards to my hair. So if you didn't know, I have extremely long hair... to the point where some of my friends/past co-workers, and even my boyfriend call me Rapunzel. My hair is currently down to my butt and is the longest it has ever been in my life! However; it is hard to maintain and with my placements through school it gets in the way, even when its tied back. When it's in a ponytail it's still past my shoulders, and when I try to make a bun it's massive and resembles a beehive (another name I have been called ''blonde beehive''). 

So my plans are to cut it. Now, I'm not talking a pixie cut or anything; I just want something shorter that will still allow me to tie it back when I need to. The cut I was thinking of is inspired by the beautiful Julianne Hough, she has inspired a few of my hairstyles in the past (i.e, my prom hairstyle). I was recently searching Google for images of short hairstyles and came across one of her pictures, and really liked the style/cut. 

This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I really like it. My boyfriend is not big on how straight the ends are, but I think it looks nice, and is something different for me. This is a short hairstyle for me, even though it's not that short - but when you go from having hair that's down to your butt to this; it's pretty short. 

Now, a little history on my hair. I'm a natural blonde. My mom is a blonde, and my dad was born with blonde hair but turned black over time. I definitely got a lot of my mom's physical traits, as she's a natural blonde with blue eyes, as I am. When I was about twelve, a friend of mine who had been an avid self-hair-dyer had a spare box of hair dye and asked if I wanted to try it out. I jumped on the idea (after I called my mom to ask of course) and dyed it. And so here it begins. My hair has went from being natural blonde, to light brown, to light brown with black underneath (inspired by Avril Lavigne - don't judge), reddish-brown, orangey-brown, black, ect... It's been almost every shade of brown to black. In grade nine I decided that's it - i'm tired of dying my hair, and I wanted to go back to my natural colour which was a process let me tell you. Now let me just say... you definitely get what you pay for when it comes to your hair. I didn't go to the best place and my hair turned nacho cheese orange. Yup, you're reading that right, NACHO CHEESE ORANGE. I definitely got made fun of for that. Teenage kids are brutal. So, I got a full head of highlights and had to wait for my natural colour to grow out. It took a long time, and my hair was brutally damaged. But four years later it grew, got healthier, and my natural colour took over. If you look in my last post ''Falling in Love with Fall'' there's a picture of what my hair looks like now. 

As I said it just took time to grow my hair out. There's no magic pill that you can take, or special oils that will increase the speed at which your hair will grow. I mean, obviously your health reflects your hair condition/growth, but it will not be dramatic - it's just a good rule of thumb to be healthy in general because of the overall benefits it has for your body; not just your hair. So I've had long hair for 2-3 years now, and have loved it. It took a long time to get to this length, but I'm ready for change, and am thinking of making an appointment within the next 2-3 weeks. 

Oh! I forgot to mention, even though I grew my hair out there was still some of that fake colour in my ends, so over the summer I got them lightened. The new place I got to in my area is amazing! The hairdresser I had for about two years, moved six hours away from me :(, so I had to get a new hairdresser (at the same place). The new hairdresser is really good too. She took out the remainder of the old colour in my hair and brightened it up. Although my visits are quite pricey - as I said, you get what you pay for. I will keep you posted - with pictures (before & after) when I get my hair cut! 

Make sure to comment/like/share if you enjoyed this post or are planning on cutting your hair! I would love to hear your thoughts! 
Thanks for reading!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Falling in Love with Fall

Hey guys! Thought I'd do a quick post today all about Fall. Since we are now officially in the Fall season I want to share some of my favourite fall trends/things I love about Fall.

To start out, the weather we have had where I live this past weekend has been absolutely gorgeous! I wanted to spend as much time as I could outside enjoying the beautiful weather, so my boyfriend and I decided to go on a nature walk to enjoy some fall sight-seeing. 

I absolutely love when the leaves begin to change their colours, and when they begin to fall off the trees. It's such a beautiful sight walking down a pathway and the leaves are falling above your head. I love how the air is just a little bit chilly, but still warm enough to be outside in a sweater. I'm a big fan of bundling up in big, thick, warm sweaters and taking a coffee to go and sit somewhere and just enjoy the view that we are so privileged to have. 

Fall has to be one of my favourite seasons because it's the end of summer; which is sometimes too hot, and the in-between before winter; which is always too cold. It's just perfect.

I also really love wearing darker/vampy lips in the fall time; I just feel that this colder weather is the perfect excuse to wear them. I'm planning on doing a post of my favourite fall lipsticks soon, which will be posted on my Beauty page - so stay posted!

I also really love doing my nails (any time of year) but wearing darker colours in the fall. I'm definitely not a professional at doing nails, and have super shakey hands which makes it very difficult for me; but none the less I still love doing them.

As I said this is a very quick post, my next post will most likely be on my Beauty page. Leave a comment below telling me your favourite things about fall, and like/share this post if you liked it!
Thanks for reading!

Friday 26 September 2014

New Pages!☺

Hey guys! Just a quick update: I just made some new pages and would love if you would check them out! If you want to know a little bit about me and why I made this blog, read the ''About Me'' page; if you want some insight on beauty products I love/reviews, check out the ''Beauty'' page!

I'm planning on making more pages in the future so it's easier to filter what you want to read!

Thanks for reading!

Monday 22 September 2014

Organizational Tips! ✔✏

Hey guys! This post is going to be dedicated to my personal organizational tips for school. With the new school year upon us it is easy to get overwhelmed with assignments, homework and tests. What's even more overwhelming is not knowing when your papers due, what homework you had to do last night... and what was that test on again...? 

This leads me to my first tip; and that is, getting into the habit of using an agenda and writing important dates down! I recommend getting one where you can see the entire month, then the individual days/week. This way, you can use the monthly planner to write down your future important dates/goals (i.e; due dates for tests and assignments) and you can judge how much time you have to plan, prepare/study, sit down to write your paper or to study for your test before the due date. This is an easy fix to help you manage your time. Then, on the individual days per week you can write down your homework for each class and check it off as you complete it ✔. This way you can judge your productivity and adjust yourself accordingly. 

Another tip is to colour coordinate your notes. What I like to do in my binder is highlight the class course code (i.e; BIO 3021) in the same colour throughout my notes and in my agenda. So Biology may be blue, Chemistry red, English green, ect... This helps to organize your notes per class and when you look in your agenda you can tell what homework you have due for each class. This will minimize forgetting to do your homework, or doing the wrong homework for the wrong class.

My next tip is to keep a clean binder. I recommend even if you decide to type your notes for your classes; as I do most of the time - to print them out and put them into a binder. This way, in the case that something should happen to your computer, you have all of your notes in a binder to study from (although you should always back up all of your notes onto a USB as well). When you have a clean binder you will be less stressed to study, which means you will be more productive and have a better chance to get that A! 

Another tip is to use some sort of a filing system to organize all of your important personal documents. I'm in my second year of university and let me tell you - this is a life saver when it comes to being organized! Upon entering a new year of school there are always a lot of personal documentation that needs to be completed, and handed in order to enter the next year. This may not apply to all programs. What I like to do is write the headers on the top of each section of my filing dividers - this makes it easy for me to see where everything is when it comes to handing things in at the end of the year; and prevents a lot of stress and anxiety of losing documents!

My next tip is to de-clutter your working space. I have a very basic desk and I only like to keep the bare minimum on it. When there is too much piled up on your desk it can get overwhelming. If you have this problem I would suggest finding a home for those unnecessary items that seem to stick around and take up space. Generally I only have my computer, writing utensils, my agenda, some spare note taking paper and sticky notes. This way everything looks neat and organized and only the important things that I need on a daily basis are available. 

These are just a few personal tips that help me stay organized during school and can hopefully help anyone who is in school/going to be starting school soon. I wish you success in your schooling and if you have any tips for me, or any you would like to share feel free to write them in the comments! Good luck guys!